Our Team

Nice to meet you
We are quite crazy people. But without having crazy dreams we would not be where we are. Our mission is: We love business. We love supporting you. We love seeing you fly.
As Jack Ma said: "Life is so short, so beautiful. Don't be so serious about work. Enjoy your lives." And so Martina does! She is successful in international & technical project management and she works as a purchaser with industrial automation background.
+420 602 132 846, martina@businesswings.cz
As Jack Ma said: "The very important quality you should have is patience." So Milan is very patient in his international sales activities with sales directors, board members and headmasters in the background. Beside business, he is familiar with education, culture and NGOs.
+420 602 448 493, milan@businesswings.cz
As Jack Ma said:"If you've never tried, how will you ever know if there's any chance? So Laďa has tried a lot things and he is good at designing and manufacturing from small mechanical parts (taylor-made ones or mass production) to complete machines. He has been also running more small and medium-sized enterprises.
+420 724 983 984, lada@businesswings.cz